giovedì 8 marzo 2012

lettera di motivazione

                I am Seya and I’m 22-years-old. I’ll be 23 in May.
I’m studying Math at the University of Padua, where I live.
I like reading, surfing the net and cooking. I often cook typical Italian cuisine for my family and I like to try new recipes, especially other cultures’.  I’d like to learn a little of Spanish cuisine, too.
I’ve been volunteering since I was 18-years-old for a local cooperative, Angoli, which deals with Fairtrade and Recycling.
In this reality I knew several people: disables, Africans, Bengalis, Indians..
With all of them I work every week easily and positively. I have no prejudices toward other cultures or backgrounds.
Being a volunteer has always been important to me: When I was 18, I thought the world was easy, funny and, especially, mine.
I’d been in England several times, in France, in America twice and in Australia too. I felt great.
Then, because of a school internship, I knew Angoli and my idea of the world changed.
Two of the best people I’ve ever met taught me that world was not so easy to understand, that it was funny but not for everybody and that was not mine, bet ours.
That was a shocking lesson but, thanks God, it came!
From that day I understood world’s economical (unequal) rules and I learnt patience and hard work.
For the first time I realized that my behaviour can mean a lot to others, even to strangers.
That feared me but it also made me more conscious of my decisions.
I learnt thinking before doing. Thinking of how my behaviour can be rendered by others, how to make my work essential to others, how to help.
I felt important and joyful because making others happy makes me happy.
But, on the other hand, I started feeling kind of depressed because I felt like I’ve been lived in Fairytales Land for 18 years.
And an unexpected helpful hand came.
When I was a child my elementary school teacher, Lucilla, gave me a poetry book. I read it and liked it but I never thought of it deeply.
One day, some years ago, I took it from one of my shelves and opened it. I read the dedication Lucilla wrote: “To love world, you have to go out from your house looking at things as you see them for the first time”.
I made those words mine and started looking at reality in a different, more optimistic and positive, way.
I chose Basida Project in order to face up to a problem I’ve never the chance to confront with: HIV.
I know people who were very near to HIV because of wrong behaviours. When it happened I was afraid not only for my friends’ sickness but for my not knowing what to do, too.
Now I want to learn and to understand how it is like to face this problem every single day, not only to make myself aware of risks but also to teach others.
Being an educator has always being very fascinating to me: I do not want to be a teacher but a guide.
I want to make people not to fear problems or disadvantages. This does not mean me to be a prig person.
I am not.
I just want to understand others’ lives and learn from them, becoming more conscious of myself.
I’m motivated and serious. I want to do this experience badly because I think I need it.
I have always imagined that one day I would have understood who I truly am and what to dedicate my life to. That day has not came yet.
Travelling and helping others, I hope, would make that day come as, when I was 18, one day I understood volunteering to be important to me.
To conclude, I speak a little Spanish but it is quite slight. I hope I can work on it during summer in order to be able to speak it fluently. I’d like to improve it also during my service at Basida Centre.

Best regards


PS: Per favore, no comment sul mio inglese..devo aver riscritto la lettera come minimo 5 volte..a un certo punto il mio inglese è partito per la tangente..

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